use ; use ; * color("red") Tz(-9.88) cylinder(d=30, h=15.2); scale([1,1,15.2]) //1 mm before scaling, so Zscale is mm height after // Prototype stacked two 8mm spacers. Ended up needing an odd bolt // length. Actual length needed was: // Base: 4 mm (measured in SCAD and on the print) including nut engagement // Top: 5.4 mm (measured in SCAD) // Spacers, one 8 and one 8.6 mm (measured on the sample) // Total: 26 mm // The small screws were 24.6mm and didn't quite engage. The longer screws were 34.6 and needed cutting down. Tz(20) render() difference() { union() { translate([14.8,10,10]) import("18V_Top_V3.stl"); // fill the RYOBI clip holes copy_mirror([1,0,0]) Tz(-17.65) Ty(-17) Tx(24.7) cube([12,30,6], center=true); } Tz(79.3500500+1) // Keep a 1mm slice at the bottom cube(200, center=true); color("red") Ty(-15) cube_rounded([35,45,50], r=3, $fn=30, center=true); color("green") Ty(-16) cube_rounded([53,26,51], r=3, $fn=30, center=true); color("blue") Ty(-16) Rz(45) cube([48,12,49], center=true); color("blue") Ty(-16) Rz(-45) cube([48,12,49], center=true); }